Monday, January 30, 2012

A Little About Myself


I am Lauren Dufour and I am a junior majoring in public relations with a minor in sociology. I am born and raised in Connecticut and have a love/hate relationship with the New England weather, but I'm pretty sure anyone from here would say the same thing! I transfered to QU my sophomore year from the University of Rhode Island, and I am extremely happy that I decided to switch schools!

I am an Apple lover, I own almost all Apple devices except the iPhone, which I hope to be getting soon once I get my upgrade! Then I will be complete. I am a bit of a technology nerd, I love any social media site and always seem to catch myself becoming apart of more new websites (my newest being Pinterest, such a good way to procrastinate).

I am interning this semester at Clear Vision Productions. It's a marketing firm that focuses on expo events. I am their PR intern and we are doing two shows this spring, a bridal show and one called fun girls night out that has all different kinds of vendors that women would love. So far I am loving it and am really excited to see how the our shows turn out. I actually work with another intern who is from QU and is doing the graphic designing for our company.

I have no experience in graphic design and I am really excited to learn a lot in this course. Even from the first class I am really bummed I didn't minor in IDD. Being a junior  it's too late now so I am definitely going to be taking advantage of this course! Maybe i'll go to grad school for graphic design? Maybe.

On the first day of class we learned a few ways to resize an image, and fooled around with some effects on photoshop.